I finished 5 pieces of furniture this past week- holla! Some, I have pictures for...some I don't. Here are the ones I have pictures for:
The corner cabinet.
I love this & found a similar one recently in a pottery barn magazine for $399. However, mine is much cuter & has more curves to it. I painted it a creamy white & distressed it a little to show off all of it's fun features.


The vintage desk:
This baby was a beast. And to make it even beastier it had a matching dresser that I also finished. Since it was SO old, I had to sand the heck out of it, wash it off and then I tried painting it- which turned out to be a mistake. I painted it in a creamy white & guess what...all of this funky red stuff started showing through. I hate when that happens!!! ARGG! Time is money...nawmsayn? So, I then put on like 10 coats of primer. And guess what color it is now painted...primer white. Yep, that is correct- I painted it in primer & it turned out great. I distressed it also & spray painted the handles in oil rubbed bronze. I love it now but I am secretly happy to see it go...


The Cute little end-table.
Some times I don't like saying what I paid for stuff...but since this baby was only $2 at Unique thrift store- I feel like it's ok. What a deal!! I painted this in a creamy white, distressed it & put a cute little knob on it.
Before: (it says $3.99, but it was 1/2 off day)


There will be more pictures to come of my other 2 pieces. Yay!